Day 21: Season Finale

"This is the most nervous I've ever felt in my life. I never would've imagined I would make it this far. And now that I have, I don't know what to do."

"I think I'm going to be sick. It's funny...someone training to be a nurse, and she can't figure out what's wrong with herself. I've never been ready; I was never ready to grow up, and now I'm not ready to go through the finale. But I guess I have to."

"This is the toughest decision I've ever had to make. I've grown close to both Pri and Ari in my three weeks on this show. I know it's too fast; I can't believe it myself. But there's that certain something. And now I have to let one of them go. I'm not even sure if the one I choose will go with the money or me. But hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained. This is just a risk I'll have to take."

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. This is the moment you've all been waiting for! Landon has narrowed his choices down to two women: Pricilla Pettit and Ariella Reid. Will this night end happily, or will it end in tears? Who's in it for love, and who's in it for money?"

"Here we have our dashing bachelor all dressed up, ready to give us his final decision."

"And to the left is Miss Pricilla Pettit, looking lovely in her emerald green dress."

"To the right is Miss Ariella Reid, also looking stunning in her fiery red number."

"We also have a few familiar faces with us tonight. Derrick, along with some of the runners-up who were able to make it tonight, are joining us."

"Linda, Crystal, Bootsie, it's nice to have you with us tonight. Tell us, who do you think will Landon choose this evening?"

"I think Ariella has the million simoleon prize, which really bolsters her chances in my opinion. Landon's sure to pick her."

"Hell if I know. In all my years growing up with him, I never really understood big bro's decision making. But I do know I was right about the women I chose for him, since Pri and Ariella were among the ones I picked. I just hope that the woman he does choose won't break his heart tonight on TV. God forbid mom sees him break down while watching from home."

"I've been following the show closely ever since I left. I believe Ariella will win tonight. It's obvious that she and Landon are soulmates. I just hope they choose each other and not the money."

"Ariella. I always root for the underdog. And after all this time, I still think Pri may not be in it for love."

"Well, there you have it folks," Mac says. "There's a unanimous consensus that Ariella will emerge the victor. But are they right? Landon, please step forward."


"We've had a lot of great moments these past three weeks. We had our first conversation in this very park, and I got to know you a lot better in Granite Falls. And I'm glad to see you settle into your new braces. You've grown so much in just so little time, and no matter what happens tonight, I'm really proud of how you were able to overcome your struggles and grow stronger because of it."

"Hi there! I'm Landon."

"Hello! I'm Prithilla, but without an eth. My thtepfather and other people call me Pri, though."

"That's..err...P-R-I-C-I-L-L-A, then?"

"That'th correct!"

"I did win 2nd place in a spelling bee once, after all," Landon jokes.

"I...just thought it would be the right time, Pri. I hope it's alright."

"It's fine, Landon."

"This is really cozy," Pricilla remarks.

"I know. I could just stay like this forever."


"I've seen early on that you have a very kind heart beyond that pretty face. You're a very driven woman, and I'm glad that there are still people like you who make the world a much better place. It's no wonder, then, that you're so passionate, a true believer of romance. Whatever tonight may bring, I know that you'll still be as bright as ever, unfailingly shining your light unto others."

"I bet his parents wouldn't let him go to a place as awesome as this," Landon says.

"I doubt it. Good thing I can, though. And I'm glad I got to be here to spend some time with you."

 "I'm glad too."

"Hey, listen, Ariella," Landon begins. "I had a great time with you today. I know it's just lunch out, but I loved our conversations earlier. I think it would be the right moment to, well..."

"Landon...this might be the best day in my life so far. I really wish this wouldn't end."

"We still have time, Ari. Let's make the most of it."

"Landon," Mac announces. "Please step forward and approach the woman that you wish to pursue."












"I...I don't care about the money. I want to be with you. I want to get to know your beautiful mind and soul. Will you take me as well?"

"Yes...of course, Landon! I don't want the money either. Not if it means never getting to see you again."

"That's...that's wonderful!" Landon jubilantly cries out. "I was afraid you'd just want the money. But now, now we can be together. Thank you, Ariella. Thank you for giving me a chance to love once more."

"I'm very sorry, Pri. I really do love you, and the decision was agonizing, but my heart eventually settled on Ariella. You're still a wonderful woman though, and I hope we can remain really good friends throughout the years."

Pricilla sniffles as she tries to hold back her tears. She moves in closer to Landon to give him a hug.

"I-It's okay, Landon. You did what you had to do."

"Now, ladies, because the show is over, you might as well find out what you would have won, if you had chosen the money instead."

"Pri here would've won herself 250,000 simoleons."

"Which leaves the 1,000,000 simoleon prize to Ariella. But because you chose love, this prize is now forfeit."

"It's okay, Mac. I can live without it."

Later in the evening...

"So, Ariella, I've been meaning to ask you. Now that the show's over, do you want to take this a step further and be, well, my girlfriend? I know it's a bit fast, but..."

"Of course, Landon!" she cuts him off. "I want to be your girlfriend. I want to spend time with you, and introduce you to my friends and family. I'd be a lucky woman to have you as my boyfriend."

"Likewise, Ari."

"I feel so ecstatic. I've waited my whole life for a moment like this, and now I got it. There's nothing more I could ask for."

"Hey, don't be so glum," Derrick says. "You are a very wonderful woman, Pri. That's why I chose you to be part of that group date. The battle may be lost for tonight, but the war isn't over. You'll find what you're looking for."

"And that's it for this season of For Love or Money, folks. Tonight, a huge sum of money was forsaken so that a new romance may blossom between two young hearts. This is where we leave our two lovebirds to themselves so that they may savor this moment. This is Mac Jamison, and I've been your host throughout this show."

"Good night, everybody!"


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