Day 13: Gilded Walls

"Good luck on your date, Pri,"

"Thanks," Pricilla replies. "I'm really nervous right now."

"Don't be. At least you finally get to go on one. I'm not sure if I'll get that privilege."

Of course, Ariella doesn't know that something's been bothering Pri for a while now. Pri just nods along and finishes her breakfast.

"Are you ready?"

"Let's see: I'm all dressed up, and I got what I need with me. I'm good to go."

After an hour's drive...

"Here we are, Pri."

"Casbah Gallery."

"A gallery! Interesting choice. What made you decide on this?" Pricilla asks.

"Well, we've been talking a lot about your childhood and all, but I forgot to ask you about things you like doing in your spare time. I'm sure you have other things to do than study nursing. I figured you'd appreciate a trip here, plus there are areas that are quiet enough for us to talk."

"Sounds good. Let's head inside."

"I like this one!" Pricilla remarks. "The colors are very pretty."

"It is, isn't it? I'm not much of an art expert myself, unless you count sculptures and artifacts from ancient civilizations," Landon says.

"How often do you go on digs anyway?"

"Depends on how much funding we get. So far, I've been on two expeditions."

"This one looks interesting. It's some man casting a shadow," Landon says.

"I dunno. This one's kind of scary. It looks like a guy fleeing the scene of a crime."

"Oh yeah, I guess it does."

"Hey, Landon."

"What is it, Pri?"

"All this walking around is making my feet ache a bit. Is it okay if we take a seat somewhere?"


"That does feel better," Landon comments. "I didn't realize we'd been going around for about an hour now."

"Errm...Landon? I...didn't actually ask to sit down because my feet were sore."

"Huh?" Landon shoots Pricilla a confused look.

"I actually wanted to talk about something serious."

"Oh, well you could've said so. I'm all ears."

"Have you been hearing things from the other girls?"

Landon thinks hard on it for a few seconds.

"Oh, that's right!" Landon utters in a moment of clarity. "I have been meaning to talk to you about it for some time now. Now that it's just the two of us, I guess it's the perfect time."

Pricilla nods along and looks at Landon.

"Pri, I've overheard the girls talking about a spat between you and Kate. I haven't talked to her yet, so I'll have to get your side of the story first."

Pricilla tries to find the right words, but she can't. She struggles to get her thoughts together for a number of minutes.

When a silence falls upon them, Pri's demeanor shatters to pieces. Tears fall down her face as she desperately clasps her hands together to stop the shaking.

"Walls aren't as thick as people think, Landon. I hear everyone talk about how I'm immature. I was told to my face that I'm a brat and she was right in saying it. They all think I'm playing for money. Why wouldn't I be? After all, I'm going into nursing and that's not cheap."

Pricilla takes a shaky breath and rubs her eyes forcefully. In her head this feels like the wrong time, but her heart needs to unload this burden.

"I, lied to you a lot, Landon. My past? It was not easy. I didn't know how to say in words the crap I've endured for having four parents. Everything went to hell when my mom got a boyfriend. She accused my dad of having a thing for her boyfriend. She had this closed mentality that a gay man has no type and would try to steal him away from her."

Pricilla closes her eyes to keep herself from spiraling; some pieces of this story weren't pretty and Pricilla could be long-winded when she wanted.

"The first time my mom called my dad a faggot, I was 11. I was curious and asked my dad why he was a faggot. He cried. I made him cry and I didn't understand why until years later. She didn't stop at one. Holidays were always ruined, the word 'faggot' was thrown around so carelessly it made my stomach hurt."

Pricilla's walls come up suddenlyshe feels small and worthless. "I'm making a big deal out of nothing, aren't I? People go through worse. I'm just the coward who copes with it by still being a kid," she says with a sigh.

"There's a reason why I go by Pri, there's a reason I stayed in the kids' room at the cabin. It's the connection to my childhood I barely had. At mom's place it was always, 'I'll cut you out if your faggot of a father turns you into a dyke.' At dad's place it was always, 'I can't say I'd forgive you if your mother turns you into a bigot.' And school? Everything from being greedy for having 4 parents to being disgusting for not being mad at any of them."

Pricilla rests her hands on her knees, "I did terrible things to myself to feel better. None of it ever helped."

"If you hate me for lying, I understand. I deserve to be sent home. Then you and Kate can be happily ever after." Her voice cracks at the last of her words. She faces Landon with a big, fake smile and tears in her eyes. "After all, why would 23 years of fighting for love finally come true on a game show that brought out the inner brat in me?"

Pricilla looks down at her knees and stays silent for a while.

"I...I'm really sorry, Pri. That must have been terrible," Landon begins after a brief silence. "And I can't blame you for hiding this. Nobody should have to relive horrible memories from the past. I should know; it still hurts me whenever I talk about Bethany."

"Bethany?" Pricilla asks.

"I've told some of the others before, but Bethany was my high school girlfriend. We were out swimming in the lake one night, until I couldn't find her. I still blame myself for it sometimes. I guess we all do what we can to cope."


"Sorry, I didn't mean to change the topic. Back to what I saying, it's terrible that your parents fought like that. And I understand why you'd feel like keeping it to yourself. Listen, I want to thank you for letting your walls down around me. I know it's hard making yourself vulnerable to others, and now I feel like I understand you a lot better. And I'm not going to send you home just because of all that."

"You're not mad?" Pricilla asks with a twinkle in her eye.

"I'm not, but I can't say the same about Kate. I think it would be best if you had a little talk with her."

Pricilla smiles widely at Landon as her eyes water a bit.

"Hey, come on now. Come here, you." Landon says softly.

Landon and Pricilla stay like that for a few minutes, before Landon breaks the silence.

"Pri, how about we go downstairs and explore the other exhibits?"

As soon as they head down, Landon takes Pri on a little detour, though.

"I...just thought it would be the right time, Pri. I hope it's alright."

"It's fine, Landon."

"And right over here, you have a faceless Venus de Milo knockoff, showing what the typical guy really cares about when it comes to the female form," Landon jokes.

Pricilla chuckles heartily.


After a while, these two lovebirds got tired of the exhibit and decide to go cloudgazing outside.

"That one looks like Gary Busey," Pricilla claims.

"That one looks like Danny DeVito."

"Fine? Well, Landon is. That kiss was more than fine, though. It was like a glass of Simadder Cherry Sap, but with a stronger kick."

Pricilla swoons a bit as the cameramen wonder if they should keep filming in case she has something more to say.

"I wonder where he took her this time," Bootsie ponders.

"Maybe they had lunch somewhere?" Linda guesses.

"Oh, there is that place in San Myshuno that recently opened. I'd love to grab a bite there," Ariella chimes in.

Kate simply listens in, slightly despondent, as the other girls talk about Pricilla's date.

"Hey, everyone!" Pricilla greets the girls.

"You need to tell us what happened."
"Well did you?"

"We talked," Pricilla plainly states. "A lot. And looked at a bunch of paintings and art on exhibit."

"Ooh, he took you to a gallery?" Linda asks.

"Hey Kate," Pricilla shyly says.

"Hi," Kate replies in kind.

"You alright?"

"Oh, you know me. I'm good."

"You're still in your pajamas though."

"Oh, you're right. I dunno, I guess I just didn't feel like getting dressed yet."

"Hello, everyone," Landon says, still a bit sweaty from exercising.

"Hey, Landon. Oh, I need to get changed now. Can you just excuse me?" Kate says as she stands up and goes upstairs.

"So what are you watching?" 

"Sim Chef," Ariella replies. "The two teams are currently bickering right now."

"...When aren't they?" Bootsie quips.

"How are things so far? I hope you girls aren't too lonely while we're out," Landon jokes.

"Nah, the other girls are good company. I can't seem to win against Ariella when we play foosball though," Bootsie says.


"That girl is a fiend."

Speaking of Ariella, she approaches Bootsie later while she's doing yoga outside.

"Bootsie," Ariella calls out.


"You know how tomorrow's the next elimination?"

"Ugh, don't remind me. I'm trying to work out the nervous energy in me."

"Well, I haven't gotten a solo date yet, and I don't feel good about my chances."

"Oh, don't say that, dear. I haven't either, but I still have faith."

"In any case," Ariella says. "I just wanted to tell you that I had so much fun throughout my stay here. And I'm glad I've made some friends here."

"Aw, Ariella. I'm glad I got to be friends with you guys too."

Then Ariella goes to Linda. What's up with this girl?


"Oh hey. I was just about to go to the gym."

"Oh, don't let me disturb you."

"Hold on, what's up?"

"I don't know. I guess I'm just feeling anxious about tomorrow's elimination. And I haven't even had a date yet."

"Don't be silly, Ariella. I'm sure you'll be fine. I don't know what Landon's thinking right now, but he'd be crazy to send you home."

As Linda is running on the treadmill, Landon enters the room.

"Well, I'm not used to seeing other people here. I guess I'll have a workout buddy for tonight," Landon comments.

Landon mounts the treadmill beside Linda.

"So what brings you here? And I think it looks like you're coming down with something," Landon says.

"Oh, this? It'll probably go away in a few hours. I just felt like going on a run, and these weird marks aren't going to stop me," Linda declares triumphantly.

"Wow, I like your determination."

"After all, I have to look my best tomorrow."

"I'm sure you all will be your usual lovely selves tomorrow. It just sucks that I have to, well..."

"Yeah. I guess we might as well make the most of our time here."

As Landon begins to walk upstairs, he bumps into Pri.

"You're still up?" Landon asks.

"I'll be heading to bed in a while. I'm just trying to get tired enough to fall asleep. Sorry, I'm just a bit restless tonight."

"It's funny. You're not the only girl awake at this time. Usually you girls like going to bed at a more reasonable hour."

"I guess everyone's a bit on edge about tomorrow."

With Landon stripping down to his pink boxers, it looks like that's it for today.


What will become of the five remaining girls in the house? Who will make the cut and make it to their third week in the show? Tune in next time to find out! I'm Mac, your host, and you are watching For Love or Money.


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