Day 15: Something Fishy

Today is another special day, folks, because after two weeks, Ariella will finally get to go on her first date with Landon.

"I hope this is alright. He did tell me to dress fancy."

"I think it doesn't look that noticeable. I'm sure Ariella won't mind."

And we're back to the city once more.

"Here we are, Ariella. Like you wanted."

"Restaurante Aquarium."

"Oh my, how did you know I wanted to try this place, Landon?"

"Word gets around in this house," Landon responds with a wink.

Author's note: I just want to give credit to SraSimmer, who built this restaurant.

"Table for two, please."

"Right away, sir."

"Here's your table."

"Did they really have to seat us next to the bathroom when there are other tables around?" Ariella comments.

"I think they wanted to put us in a separate space because we brought a film crew along," Landon answers.

"Fair enough. Let's see...what's good?"

"Oh, this looks delicious."

Landon calls for a waiter.

"I'll have the salmon," Ariella says.

"And I'll get the lobster thermidor," Landon requests. "We'll both have a glass of Simsmapolitan as well."

"I take it you enjoy seafood then, if you wanted to try this place out."

"I wouldn't say it's my favorite, but I do like it," Ariella responds. "It's just that I haven't had any seafood while we're in the show. None of us knows how to cook fish or lobster."

"That's true. Mac said we'd get catering, but there were a few hiccups with the budget and stuff."

"What? Really? I would've loved that!"

"Same here."

"Anyway, Ariella," Landon begins. "I've spoken to the other ladies in this house, and I've gotten to know them quite a bit. Now you, you're still a bit mysterious to me."

"Don't you think there's a little allure to mystery?" Ariella asks in a sultry tone.

"Not as much as unraveling one," Landon responds. "Speaking of unraveling mysteries, you haven't told me much about your childhood. The other three have. What was it like growing up?"

"Oh, I'd say I had a pretty uneventful childhood. Some of the other girls seem to have had it rough, but not me. I grew up with both of my parents in an average-sized house in the suburbs. Pretty boring, huh?"

"Not really. The same can be said for me. What about pets or siblings?"

"I'm an only child. But I grew up with lots of pets! Dogs, cats, birds, and even fish."

"And now we'll be eating fish," Landon quips. "Are your pets why you wanted to become a veterinarian?"

"I suppose that's one part of it. I did pretty well in high school biology too, so I thought that I can get a job that has to do with living things."

"Were any of these pets special to you?"

"Well...I did have this bunny, Roger. He lived for quite a few years. Every day, I'd rush to his cage after school and fuss all over him. He always cheered me up when I had a bad day. And I also had this dog named Ginger. She got sick quite a few times, which made me sad, but she always pulled through until she got really old. My dad wasn't normally a huge fan of the animals around, but Ginger held a special place in his heart."

Landon listens intently to Ariella's stories about her cats and dogs when a waiter approaches their table.

"Your meal, sir and madame."

"Man, this looks amazing," Landon remarks. "No wonder you were excited to try this place out."

"I was browsing through restaurant reviews before I joined this show, and I heard good things about this place. It must've opened just a month ago."

"Well, I'm glad you discovered this. Let's dig in."

"This lobster is fantastic!" Landon raves. "How's the salmon?"

"Juicy and satisfying," Ariella answers. "I am definitely ordering this again soon."

"Do you think it's weird that you keep certain fish as pets, and then you eat the others?" Landon jokes.

"Eh, not really. There's one thing that sets the food apart from the pets."

"What's that?"

"They're delicious."

"The Simsmapolitan isn't bad either. It goes well with the lobster, I'd say."

The two finish their meal, and then Landon makes a suggestion.

"Ariella, do you wanna head over to the balcony? It's got a great view."


"We're so close to the sea. You can just feel the breeze," Landon remarks.

"You think they get their supply fresh from these waters?" Ariella asks.

"It wouldn't surprise me."

Landon then takes Ariella aside and holds her hands.

"Hey, listen, Ariella," Landon begins. "I had a great time with you today. I know it's just lunch out, but I loved our conversations earlier. I think it would be the right moment to, well..."

And that makes four, ladies and gentlemen.

"Oh, Landon," Ariella says breathless and flustered. "I think, I think we should take a seat now."

"That...wasn't going too fast, was it?"

"On the contrary, I've been waiting for that for quite a while now," Ariella giggles.

"I was afraid that moment would never come. And now that it I'm just speechless. The wait was definitely worth it."

Landon's not alone this time as he goes on a run after his date. I think he needs to sweat out that huge lobster he ate...or maybe this is his way of cooling down after going on a hot date.

"Hey, do you think Landon's back from his date with Ariella?" Kate asks.

"I'm not sure. I'll go check," Linda says.

"You always go here, huh?" Pricilla asks.

"I guess it's my way of working out stress and nervous energy," Landon says. "It really helps calm my mind down."

"After that date?" Linda asks. "I didn't feel any stress at all after my date with you."

"Landon," Pricilla says while ignoring Linda. "It's been a great two weeks here. I'm so glad I got to be a part of this."
"Oh, are you sure you want to do this? I'm kinda drenchedoh, okay. There we go."

Kate decides to go look for Landon and goes to the first place she can think of.

"Oh hi, Pri. What's everyone doing here?" Kate asks.

"Landon and I were just working out," Pricilla answers. "Linda also dropped by, but she's not really exercising."

"Hi," Linda says.

"I guess it's funny that we're all here right now talking to each other," Landon remarks.


"Hey, where is everyone?"

"How was it, Landon?" Kate asks. "Did you go somewhere fun?"

"I think you'll have to ask Ariella about that," Landon chuckles. "I'm not sure if she wants me to spill the details of our date."

"I bet you guys picked up trash on the beach or something," Pri jokes. "It's her idea of a dream date. That girl never stops talking about her volunteer work."

"Whatcha watching?" Landon asks.

"Oh, hey Landon. Moulin Rouge is on."

"I haven't seen it, but I hear it's really good."

"You should watch it with me!"

The other girls soon decide to join in.

"Moulin Rouge? Oh, I love this movie," Kate gleefully raves.

"I cried so much at the ending," Linda says.

"Oh my God, I can't believe Christian just said that!" Landon exclaims.

"This is where it all kind of unravels," Kate says.

" guys," Linda berates the others. "The best part is coming up."

"Oh, I love the tango part," Pricilla giddily says.

"I'll just clean up these dishes here," Kate says.

"Hey, Kate. Admiring the flowers?"

"Yeah. Things have been crazy these past days. I just needed some time alone."

"Oh, sorry. Do you want me to..."

"No, it's okay."

"Crazy, huh?" Landon says.

"Well, with that spat with Pri, and you going on all these dates. I bet if you had dated in college, you would've been such a stud."

"Nah. I've been more comfortable being with just one woman, to be honest. If Bethany had been with me, I probably would've stayed together with her throughout college."

"How are you feeling about that? You still miss her?"

"Yeah. But I think it's about time for me to let the past go. I'll never forget her, but I can't just let my life pass me by while I wallow in self-pity."

"I think that's an admirable way to go about it."

"Yeah. Oh, and it's getting late. I think we should get to bed. You wouldn't want to be late for our date tomorrow, right?"

"I'm looking forward to it, Landon."

"Hey, Ariella. Going to bed?"

"Yep. I'm so tired after our amazing day together," Ariella says as she winks at Landon.

And that's it for tonight. Landon and the girls are tucked into bed.


Tomorrow will be another round between Landon and Kate. Has a lot changed since their last date? Is the flame still there, or has it been dimmed down by the chill of jealousy? Find out next time on For Love or Money!


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