Day 19: Revisiting the Past

"This is it, Pri. Our last date before the season finale."

"We're back at Granite Falls, but this time we're renting a smaller cabin just for the two of us."

"Why did you decide on Granite Falls again?" Pricilla asks. "Not that I'm complaining."

"Well, the crew couldn't obtain filming permits in other vacation spots. That's one part of it," Landon replies. "The other reason is that, well, I feel like our previous date here is when I really got to know you. So I wanted to revisit that. I think I even gave you the first rose during the next elimination."

"I still remember that, Landon. I remember it fondly. Being called first for something like that. I was never really called first for anything, especially in school."

"I guess that's where we're different," Landon laughs. "I was always one of the first kids picked in gym if I wasn't a team captain myself."

It's still pretty early in the morning, so it's time for the most important meal of the day.

"That smells good, Landon. What's for breakfast?"

"Eggs and toast. Gotta have enough energy for the day ahead of us."

"So are we doing a lot of strenuous activities?" Pricilla asks in a sultry tone.

"You can say that, yeah."

"You know, I've been trying to cut down on cholesterol recently," Pricilla states. "My family has a history of heart problems. And in my studies, I've learned about some of the nasty effects of excess cholesterol."

"Oh, I'm sorry about that. I didn't know. Maybe I should've made a fruit salad instead."

"No, it's fine. I've pretty much eaten whatever was served throughout the show. I guess I'll have to start watching what I eat once this is all over."

Pricilla stares wistfully at her food before continuing.

"These past few weeks have been like a dream, you know? It's one big vacation for me, and I don't want it to end just yet."

"Yeah, me too."

"And in such a short amount of time, I...I've started to feel things I've never felt before. I guess it's good that I joined. I may not be the most mature person here, but I feel like I've grown quite a bit since I met you."

"Oh, how are you feeling about Kate, by the way?" Pricilla thoughtfully asks. "We were starting to become friends again, and she decides to pull something like that! The nerve of that tart. I don't think I can forgive her for that."

Landon sighs and contemplates before answering Pricilla.

"It's fine. I never expected something like that to happen, and I still feel sore about it, but I respect her decision. There's nothing I can do but focus instead on what's in front of me."

Landon then turns and smiles to Pricilla, who proceeds to blush slightly in return.

"She sure was good at talking up a good game, but in the end she couldn't take the heat," Pricilla says.

Landon grins and shakes his head.

"Well, no matter. I decided not to let something like that ruin our time together, Pri. The finale is in two days, so I want to spend every last moment today with you before it's all over."

Turns out this is Landon's idea of spending every last moment with Pricilla.

"This is really cozy," Pricilla remarks.

"I know. I could just stay like this forever."

"Well, maybe not forever. Otherwise I won't be able to do this," Landon says as he plants one on Pri's lips.

Later on, Landon is feeling a bit adventurous.

"Hey, Pri. Whatcha doing?"

"Oh, just tossing some horseshoes."

"I was just thinking. How about you and me go on a little trek outside?"

"I'd love that."

"I just love the smell of fresh pine trees. Reminds me of home."

"It must be interesting growing up in the woods," Pricilla remarks.

"Oh, it was! Sometimes my dad would take us out fishing. Well, at least before he got too busy with his job. And Elliot was always the best angler. Mom cooked this huge trout that he once caught."

"I just grew up in plain old suburbia," Pri says. "But having four parents did make things a bit interesting. Sometimes my mom and my dad would compete with each other to see who could get me the better birthday gift, so I always had one from each set of parents. I guess that's not so good when you don't want to spoil a kid. But hey, more toys for me!"

"I'd say I was pretty spoiled myself," Landon says. "Have I ever told you that I got a car for my 16th birthday?"

"I don't think you have. And honestly I'm kind of jealous. I wish I got a car for my birthday! But no matter. Once I become a nurse I can just start saving up for my own, I guess."

"Yeah, I've been saving some money too ever since I joined the archaeology department. I was hoping to buy my own house in the city so that I can move out of my apartment. And maybe start a family of my own someday."

As the hours go on, Landon decides to get a little romantic once again.

"Hey Pri, catch this."

Pricilla starts giggling uncontrollably.

And later in the afternoon...

"It's beautiful, Landon. The water looks really nice!"

"Nice enough to fish in, maybe? You interested?"

"I've never tried fishing before! Let's do it!"

"Nothing's biting on my end," Pricilla says.

"Me too. I think the fish aren't as active today."

Landon decides to put his fishing rod down and approaches Pricilla.

"Psst, hey Pri," Landon whispers. "Wanna go somewhere a little more private?"

Oh my, folks. Things are starting to get a bit steamy here.

"What are you kids doing here?"

"Oh, hello there, sir. We were just...talking."

I guess the fun stops there for now.

Pricilla and Landon decide to go back to the cabin and cool off for a bit. Pri's watching a romantic soap on TV.

And Landon decides to head outside and get his head in the clouds. Maybe he's picturing what his future with Pri would be like.

And just like that, it's dinner time.

"I made a lot of these earlier, so there are still some left over," Landon says.

"I don't mind," Pricilla replies. "Your cooking's pretty good."

"Aw, now you're just buttering me up," Landon chuckles. "It can't be that good."

"The eggs are pretty great, actually."

"Eh, they're pretty easy to make. Kind of hard to screw them up, actually."

"Well, about that..."

As the night goes on, Landon has one last trick up his sleeve.

"Pretty chilly right now, eh?" Landon says.

"Good thing you're right beside me, then," Pricilla replies as she winks at Landon.

"You don't suppose these chairs can hold two, do you?"

"I don't think so."

"I guess this is fine," Landon says.

"Hey Landon, I had such a great day with you," Pricilla confesses. "I just wish this day wouldn't end."

"Me too."

"But it's still a bit early, so I want to spend what's left of the day with you."

"That can be arranged," Landon says as he smiles at Pricilla.

"So...did you always want to be an archaeologist?"

"Not really. I distinctly remember at one point when I was five, where I wanted to be a cowboy/magician."

"That's ambitious!"

"It was, until mom got me my own magic kit and I learned that I sucked at it."

"Oh. Kind of sucks when your dreams get crushed like that. I wanted to be a ballerina when I was a kid. I took ballet for a while, but it didn't really click."

And after a little more conversation, Landon decides to retire for the day.

And...what's this? Pricilla's joining Landon in his room.


Well, for the sake of privacy, we didn't film anything inside Landon's bedroom. What went on inside? Did they just talk the night away? Or was there something more? I guess we'll never know, folks.

And that's it for today's episode, everyone. Tomorrow is a brand new day, and Landon gets to test the waters with Ariella this time. Will she prove to be a better match than Pri? Find out next time, on For Love or Money!


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