Day 17: Homestuck

Now, I wouldn't say that we had this episode because our budget was stretched thin, but I'm not not saying it either. Officially, we're giving Landon and the girls a free day before the double elimination so that they have one last chance to get to know each other better, and one last chance to enjoy the house should they get sent packing the next day!

"So you're alright walking around in just your panties in the morning?" Linda asks.

"Yeah, I think it's fine. Besides, Ariella goes out wearing more revealing stuff when she decides to have breakfast before getting changed," Pricilla responds.

"I don't think I can pull that off. Girl must be that confident if she does it, or maybe she just doesn't give a damn."

"So, you've been sitting there all quiet the whole time, Landon," Pricilla remarks. "Care to tell me what we're going to do today?"

"Funny you should ask. Can you gather everyone at the living room while I go upstairs to freshen up? It'll just be a sec," Landon says.


Landon inspects himself at the mirror. Nothing unseemly, it seems. Just a pretty fit guy who looks confident.

"Well, I guess I look alright. Time to mingle with the girls."

"Why do you think Landon asked us to gather around?" Ariella asks.

"He didn't tell me," Pricilla replies. "Maybe we're going somewhere today? Mac did say we have a free day."

"What's up, ladies?"

"Morning, Landon," Kate greets. "What's the occasion?"

"That's the thing: there is no occasion today. We're all just free to hang out in this house and do as we please. I asked the producers if we could go somewhere today, but they said we couldn't. So I guess we can just get up close and personal inside this mansion."

"Well, I don't mind," Linda claims. "This house is fantastic. I might just go for a dip later."

"I don't know about going for a swim, but I'd love to spend some time outside to get a tan," Ariella says. "It is summer after all, and I'm getting kind of pale right now. I remember this one time where we went tree-planting in a forest one summer, and I got the best tan ever there."

"Tree planting?" Kate asks. "That sounds like fun! Maybe I should have a tree planting project with Tate's Crew once this show is over. Those parks in San Myshuno could use them."

"I was actually scuba diving in one of the nearby lakes in Hillwood Acres this time last year. It's one of the deeper lakes in this country."

"No way! That sounds way better than what I did last summer," Pricilla remarks.

"It was actually an archaeological dive site," Landon continues. "We recently discovered that the ruins of an older civilization were submerged there, so we took a small peek."

"Oh, now you're just making stuff up," Linda says. "That can't be true, right?"

"That's where you're wrong, kiddo," Landon retorts. "I have the pictures on my phone to show it. I'd say it's a pretty good icebreaker in parties."

"You know, I think I did read an article about that sometime ago," Kate says. "Like some kind of ancient culture that predated the discovery of the new world."

"Yeah, something like that," Landon says.

"I want to see the pictures!" Pricilla exclaims.

Landon proceeds to show the girls pictures of the dive. All of them seem thoroughly fascinated.

"I wish my job was as interesting as yours," Linda says. "Most of the time I'm stuck in the four walls of the classroom. Occasionally I'd chaperone a trip to the zoo or something like that."

"We did go on a field trip once in one of my zoology classes, actually," Ariella says. "Animal watching and all. But still, it's not as fascinating as scuba diving somewhere! I want to try it sometime."

"Maybe we can all have a go once this show is over. I know a few people," Landon offers.

"Well, I'm just gonna go outside for a while. I'm starting to feel all cooped up in this house. Might as well make the most out of summer before it ends," Pricilla says.

"When does it end, actually?" Kate asks. "I kind of lost track of time."

"Now that you mention it, I don't know when summer is going to end either," Linda replies.

"I think I'll head outside with Pri," Ariella says. "I'm getting a bit cramped from sitting here for hours."

After a while, everyone decides to disperse and do her own thing. Here's Ariella moving to the back porch.

Looks like she and Pri really love playing basketball on a hot summer afternoon.

Linda decides to head to the gym and do a little dancing. Shake it, girl!

And just by coincidence, Landon decides to step in just a few minutes later for one of his 18 daily workout sessions.

I guess muscles like that don't just happen, folks.

"Nice seeing you here, Linda," Landon says. "It looks like you're enjoying yourself."

"I heard the radio playing in here, so I felt like dancing a bit," Linda replies.

"I can see it now: Linda Pierce in Dancing with the Stars! You'd easily be a fan-favorite."

Linda chuckles slightly. "You think?"

"Oh, definitely. And maybe you'll be paired up with one of your favorite celebrities."

"I'd love to dance with Brendon Urie! Or maybe Ace Storm. Just imagine."

And then another coincidence: Ariella walks into the room as the two were having their moment.

"Hey, Landon. Fancy meeting you here," Ariella says.

"Oh, hi. You look drenched right now," Landon comments.

"I was just outside playing some basketball. I thought of maybe going for a run on the treadmill after."

"It's funny that Ariella decided to go to the gym right at that moment, but I'll give her a pass. She's a really nice girl after all, and we're all here to spend time with Landon anyway."

"You're still sitting here?" Pricilla asks.

"I was just watching some TV," Kate replies. "I might do something else later, but I don't really feel it right now."

Linda decides to cool off in the pool by diving headfirst, and with excellent form!

Ariella cools down in a different manner, book in hand inside an air conditioned study room.

"So she then turns to him, and he realizes that she was working for the enemy all along!" Kate tells Pricilla.

"I never would've expected that. I'm so bad at reading foreshadowing in movies," Pricilla replies.

Here we have Landon dancing after pumping iron. Maybe it's the secret to him keeping fit.

"You're still here, Landon? Don't you want to go for a swim outside?" Linda asks.

"Oh, hi again, you two," Ariella says as she barges in. "I just did a little reading in the study, but it looks like you haven't left the room at all."

"I guess it is a pretty nice day outside," Landon remarks. "It might be a good time to play a little ball."

"Great!" Ariella exclaims. "I'll see you there."

"Wanna come with, Linda?"

"I'm not really in the mood today," Linda says. "Maybe I'll just go swim some more. It's kinda hot."

Landon goes outside to play for a bit before going back in.

"What's up? What are you two talking about?" Landon asks as he comes in.

"We were talking about some of our favorite movies," Pricilla says.

"Yeah, we're talking about our favorite spy thrillers right now, "Kate continues.

"I'm just going to clean this up. I'll leave you two kids alone," Pricilla says.

Somebody made burgers, it seems. Landon decides to have one for himself.

Meanwhile, all that swimming has left Linda exhausted, so she took a nap on the couch.

"What are you doing eating out here by yourself?" Kate asks.

"Oh, I just needed some time to think. And I was really hungry. Sorry about that."

"No, it's fine. I'm sure you need some time to organize your thoughts. I'm sure this isn't easy for you either."

Back inside, Ariella is also asleep on the couch. Everyone's just so exhausted today.

But not Pri. She's just practicing foosball. Maybe she might need to take on Ariella someday.

"Will I be getting a rose tomorrow, Landon?" Pricilla asks.

"Well, that'll be for you to find out," Landon answers.

Kate approaches the two and joins their conversation.

"What about me? Will I make the cut?" Kate jokingly asks.

"Aw, Kate, I've had so much fun with you on this show. But I can't really tell any of you my plans for tomorrow. Actually, I might not have even made up my mind yet, for all you know."

"Stop teasing us, Landon!" Pricilla playfully says.

Here we have everyone doing their own thing. Kate's going upstairs to get ready for bed. Ariella's heading outside to play some more ball. And the two other girls are still talking to Landon.

"If I don't get a rose tomorrow, I just want to tell you that it's been a great two weeks here, Landon," Linda says.

"Likewise, Linda. I enjoyed our little day out singing karaoke. Maybe we should do it again once the show is over."


The stress of tomorrow's events has gotten to Linda, with her turning to cleaning once again.

"Ugh, didn't I just wipe this recently? This place has a lot of dust build-up!"

"Landon, can we take a selfie together?" Pricilla requests.

"I don't see why not."

"If I have to leave tomorrow, I just want something to remember this by. I won't forget my time on this show, Landon."

"Linda, I don't know if we're both going to make it tomorrow. I just want to wish you good luck."

"That's so sweet, Ariella. Good luck to you too! I hope we both make it."

"I never thought I'd become really close to a fellow contestant on this show. Which makes it kind of bittersweet if one of us has to leave. And in the end, only one of us can win. But that doesn't mean we can't enjoy the time we still have together, right?"

"Hey, good luck, Linda."

"Thanks! You too. I'm so nervous."

"Try not to think on it too much," Landon chimes in. "You might get too nervous to fall asleep. And you'll definitely want to look your best tomorrow."

"I'll keep that in mind, Landon," Linda says.

"Speaking of beauty sleep, I think I'm going to hit the hay. I still have a lot of thinking to do. Maybe my dreams might tell me a thing or two."

And with that, our boy decides to, wait a minute, is he wearing bunny slippers? How have I not noticed that before? It kind of looks silly on a grown man like him. Don't tell him I said that though, because I'm pretty sure he can still beat me up.


And that concludes our little breather episode. Did any of the girls help Landon make up his mind today? We'll just have to find out tomorrow when Landon gives his final decision. I'm Mac Jamison, and you are watching For Love or Money.


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