Day 20: Under the Stars

"This is where we'll be spending the rest of the day."

"The Bluffs"

"Why'd you pick this place, Landon? Not that I mind, because it looks amazing."

"See? That's why I picked it out for us."

"Just look at this view," Landon wistfully says. "I knew you liked the beach, although the nearest ones were closed right now, so I picked out the next best place."

"Of course, we're not doing any cleaning up this time. We just have the whole day to ourselves to relax."

"It's perfect, Landon. I'd say this is just the getaway I needed right now."

As Ariella says this, Landon leans in and kisses her in view of the ocean.

"The crew also set us up with some camping equipment so that we can spend the night here," Landon explains.

"There's only one tent?" Ariella asks.

"...Do you want us to sleep in separate tents? Because I think production can bring another one in."

"No, no, this is fine. I was just...I didn't expect something like this. I'm sorry, it's just that I'm new to all this...intimacy stuff."

"Hm, well, before this show, I hadn't been intimate with a woman for a long time, either."

"Really? I would've thought a guy like you would have no trouble getting any woman he wants."

"I guess I owe you an explanation. But first, let's have some breakfast. I'm starving."

And on today's menu, we have granola. Maybe Landon took Pri's advice on high cholesterol to heart.

"Ari, is it okay if I tell you about it later? I'd like us to have some fun first."

"Ari?" Ariella giggles. "I don't think anyone's ever called me that before."

"Oh, sorry, I guess it just kind of slipped out. And we always just called Priclla 'Pri'..."

"It's fine. I kind of like it. I'm willing to give this 'Ari' thing a try."

"Oh, by the way, remember when I told you to pack your swimsuit?"

"We're going swimming, aren't we?"

"The water feels nice," Ariella blissfully remarks. "It's not too cold or too hot. Everything's just right."

"There is one thing missing, though," Landon says as he leans in for another kiss.

The two stare into each other's eyes for a moment, before Landon breaks the silence.

"So what are you waiting for? Water's good, let's dive right in."

"Ari, are you sure it's okay that you almost didn't get the second rose? It's just that..."

"It's fine, Landon. I'd like to think that, maybe, well, the universe conspired for this to happen."

"Kind of like soulmates?"

"Yes, exactly! That's what I told Derrick, but he said he didn't really believe in soulmates."

Landon chuckles to himself a bit.

"I think lil bro has a more world-weary view on things after getting into a few bad relationships."

"What do you think, though?"

Landon floats on his back and stares into the deep blue sky.

"Me? I'd like to think there's someone out there for everyone. But Derrick has a point about having to work hard on a relationship. You really have to put in the time and effort to make things work. I mean, my mom and dad were often busy at work, but they never neglected their marriage or took each other for granted. And I was hoping I could have what they have, you know?"

Landon then goes back up and faces Ariella.

"Hey, this conversation just got way too serious. We were supposed to be having fun, remember?" Landon teases as he splashes water across Ariella's face.

After a while, they decide to get dressed and light a campfire.

"I'm really starting to miss all my pets back at home," Ariella says. "No matter what happens tomorrow, I'm glad I'll get to see them again soon."

"Now that you mentioned it, I was thinking of getting a pet later this year. I'm just saving up some money, but I think I might be able to get one this November. You don't live too far away, do you? Maybe you can help me with animal care?"

"I'd love to, Landon. Of course I have to finish my studies first, but I already know a thing or two."

And then cloud watching.

"That one looks like a pirate ship. What do you see, Ari?"

"A field of flowers, and a bunch of cats and dogs frolicking in them."

As they stand up, Ariella pulls Landon in for a hug.

"Landon...this might be the best day in my life so far. I really wish this wouldn't end."

"We still have time, Ari. Let's make the most of it."

Ariella later decides to put her swimsuit on again and make a splash.

Bet you never saw that coming, folks. For a petite girl, she sure can do a big one.

While this is all going on, Landon is here roasting a marshmallow as a pre-dinner snack.

And here's them being silly. Everyone's having a good time so far.

It's not just Ariella making waves either. Landon decides to jump right in before dinner.

Looks like we're having grilled chicken, another healthy meal. I'm getting hungry just looking at it!

"How is it?" Landon asks.

"Just right. You did a great job."

Ariella then turns to face Landon with a serious look.

"So...we've had our fun. What was it that you wanted to tell me earlier about intimacy?"

"Oh, that! I nearly forgot," Landon says. "I've already told some of the other girls, and I think you deserve to know. I haven't been with a woman since my high school girlfriend, Bethany."

"What happened between you two?"

"She...she passed away just before my senior year. There was this accident that happened one night while we were out swimming."

Ariella gasps and looks at Landon in surprise.

"Oh...oh my God, Landon. That's horrible! Wait, is that why you told me that you had bad memories about swimming in a lake?"

"Yeah, that's it."

"I'm so sorry, Landon. It all makes sense now."

"You know what, Ari? It's fine. Actually, Derrick told me to audition for this show because I 'shouldn't wallow in self-pity for the rest of my life.' And I have to thank him for it, because I think for the first time in my life, I feel like I'm ready to move forward."

"I guess I have him to thank too," Ariella says. "Because he's the reason I met you in the first place."

"True. I've met a lot of amazing women in the past three weeks. And I'm really lucky to have met you."

Ariella smiles warmly at Landon upon hearing this.

"So, will you be fine?"

"After everything that's happened, I think I will be. I think Bethany would've wanted me to be happy too. I still miss her, but it's time for me to let go."

After a little more talking, the two decide to call it a night and retire to their tent. It's been an exciting day, and they need the energy for a very important event tomorrow.

Although they stay awake just a bit more before going to sleep, if we're to go by that light inside their tent. Whatever they talk about, or whatever happens inside, we'll never know.


I think it's best that we leave these two kids to themselves for the rest of the night.

...Which marks the end of today's episode. There's only one day left until our season finale. You won't want to miss that, folks. Will our boy Landon be picking Pricilla or Ariella? Who's here just for the cash, and who's here for romance? Tune in next time for the season finale of For Love or Money!


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