Day 12: We'll Give It A Shot

"So, are you guys excited? Nervous?" Kate inquires.

"Excited," Landon answers.

"Butterflies in my stomach," Linda responds.

It looks like people are getting ready for the day ahead of them. Kate seems to be unusually chipper this morning, and I've known a lot of morning people.

"Where are you guys going today? Is it the same place we went to?" Kate asks again.

"I want it to be a surprise," Landon plainly states. "But rest assured I pick something I think the girl will enjoy."

"Now I'm intrigued," Linda playfully comments.

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" Ariella says, followed by a yawn.

"I was asking where Linda and Landon are going today," Kate replies. "Apparently it's some big secret that he wants to keep, and that it's something he thinks Linda might like."

"That's very thoughtful," Ariella states. "I hope I can get some one-on-one time of my own. I can't wait to see where we'd go."

After everyone else has left, it seems like there's still silence between these two girls. The tension is palpable, folks!

"Good luck on that date," Kate tells Linda.

"Thanks. I'm nervous as hell, but I better get ready soon. Here goes. I'll finally get to see what you were gushing about days ago."

And after a short drive...

"Well, here we are!"

"Stargazer Lounge. I figured you'd like to rock out on the karaoke here."

"Landon, this is perfect! This place is gorgeous! But...before we get ahead of ourselves, how about we have a little chat first?"

"Alright. So tell me, what's up?" Landon asks.

"You mean apart from spending a week in a mansion with a hunk and all these other girls?"

Landon chuckles slightly at this.

"Did Mac tell you about, erm, the coin toss situation?" Linda asks.

"He did. And I have to say, that's a lot of money you got on your hands there."


"I hope I'm worth more than that," Landon winks. "But then again, I've only saved up, like, a couple thousand bucks or so. I guess I don't have to worry though, since the other girls said you were most likely to be in it for love."

"Yeah, that was very sweet of them."

"And I do trust their judgment. Especially Kate's. I feel like she'd be a good judge of character given her experiences growing up."

"Speaking of which, how was it like growing up, Linda? You never really told me much about that."

"Oh, I'd say it was pretty uneventful. Middle class upbringing. Only child."

"Only child? That must've been lonely. I can't imagine growing up without my brothers and sisters. And someone breaking my stuff every month."

"I guess it's a good thing I didn't have any siblings. I would've killed anyone who touched my stuff," Linda chuckles. "It's actually a bit complicated. My parents were infertile, you see."


"I can't remember what exactly the problem was. My dad may have had a low sperm count, or my mom couldn't risk getting pregnant due to anemia. But anyway, they decided one day to adopt a baby girl from the orphanage. And that was that."

"When did you find out you were adopted?"

"My parents told me when I was 13. They sat me down and laid it all on me. I couldn't take it at first. It felt like my world was coming down on me. I acted out and gave them the cold shoulder for a while."

"Eh, what can you do? It's the hormones."

"Yeah, although I do feel bad about it now. They were kind enough to take me in, and I was pretty ungrateful. I did come to terms with it over the next few months, though."

"What matters is that your parents love you, at least."

"Exactly! Of course, some of the other kids didn't see it that way. The teasing probably kept up until the end of middle school."

"Kids can be mean. I had a nasty breakout when I was 14. Most of the kids in my class made fun of my face. And most girls wouldn't come near me."

"I bet they're kicking themselves right now, since you turned out very sexy."

"I hope," Landon chuckles. "Not Bethany, though. She was pretty nice to me then."

"So this Bethany is...?"

"My high school girlfriend. Hey, wanna grab a drink?"


"I'll have the Loopy Llama," Linda requests.

"Rum with coke for me," Landon says.

The two sit down and chat over their drinks.

"Hey, since there's a karaoke machine here and all, how about we..."

"Yeah, I'm down," Landon says. "I feel obligated to warn you that I'm not much of a singer though, but I'd love to hear that great voice of yours, Ms. Music Teacher."

"Oh, you'll be fine. You won't be worse off than me, probably."

♪ She says, "We've gotta hold on to what we've got.
It doesn't make a difference if we make it or not. 

♪ We've got each other and that's a lot.
For love we'll give it a shot." 

"Jesus Christ, who's hurting that poor cat?"

♪ Whoa, we're half way there
Whoa, livin' on a prayer
Take my hand and we'll make it - I swear
Whoa, livin' on a prayer 

"You were amazing there, Linda."

"No, you are."

"Puhlease. The other bar patrons were lining up for earplugs."

Linda chuckles.

"Hey, you did tell me to bring my swimsuit, right?" Linda asks.

"Oh, that's right. Last one in's an American Idol reject?"

"You wish!"

"How does it feel to be burned by Mr. Simon Cowell?" Landon asks.

"Pfft. All you had to do was put on those trunks. I had to fit into this whole bikini."

"Well, maybe you would've gotten dressed faster without that hat. Here, let me take care of it for you!"


Linda starts chuckling before responding in kind with her own spray of fury.

"Phew," Landon sighs. "That was refreshing."

"It was, wasn't it?" Linda chuckles.

"Well, I had a great time. Oh, and Linda?"


"Just...close your eyes and..."

Linda just stands there in a daze for a few seconds.

"Thanks for the great time," Landon says.

"I think Kate may have undersold how wonderful a date with Landon is. Maybe it's just something you can't describe with words."

Linda looks dreamily into the wall plaster beside the camera.

"But still. I'm on a show where everyone, including the bachelor, could be in it for the money. I just can't shake the feeling at the back of my mind that...I don't know. I really wish it were easier to know other people's intentions. I guess I'm just not ready for all this to blow up in my face."

What's everyone up to back at home?

Bootsie seems to be focusing her inner energies into yoga.

And is Kate...crying? Was that whole chipper thing an act earlier? It looks like someone is starting to feel jealous.

Pri, on the other hand, decides to cool off in the pool.

And Ariella's playing some chess by herself. She seems to be really into it.

"Hey Linda. How was it?" Bootsie asks.

"Oh, better than you could ever imagine!" Linda raves.

"Details, please!"

"So yeah, and then we--"

"Hey, ladies. What's up?" Landon asks as he settles into the bar stool.

"Girl talk," Bootsie chuckles.

"Girl talk, eh?"

"Wanna join in?" Linda asks. "We were talking about which Chris in the MCU we'd rather date," she quickly lies.

"What about me?" Landon jokingly asks with a mock frown. "I'm sure I can do better than any Hemsworth or Evans out there," he jokes.

"Hey, Pri," Landon says.

"Oh, hey," Pricilla greets back.

"You excited for tomorrow?"

"Oh, yeah, definitely."

"Anyway," Bootsie whispers. "They went into the pool and had a little fun."

"Did she say what happened next?" Pricilla asks.

Bootsie chuckles faintly. "She didn't say."

Around dinner time, the girls have a hearty discussion on the day's events.

"I'm telling you, he was so on the money. Karaoke is definitely something I'd do on a first date," Linda enthusiastically recounts.

"What can I say? He's a good listener. Or maybe the producers helped him out on what to do," Kate answers.

"Oh, Landon's such a hunk. I like watching him swim because I'm sooooooooo in love with him," Ariella jokes.

"Oh, shut up!" Linda playfully retorts while visibly blushing.

"Man, you guys are so lucky. I hope I get a date next," Bootsie chimes in.

"Oh, hey, Pri!" Linda says.


"Good luck on your date tomorrow! There just are no words."

"Thanks," Pricilla glibly says before heading out of the kitchen.

Bachelor's heading to bed for the night. And you know what that means...


It's the end of another day for the remaining inhabitants. Will Pricilla continue to act weird in the following days? How will her date with Landon go? And will Linda still have doubts about Landon's intentions? Tune in next episode to find out! I'm Mac, your host, and you are watching For Love or Money.


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