Day 1: Introductions

Welcome to the premiere episode of For Love or Money! Today our bachelor will get to meet the contestants for the first time. Let's see if they'll hit it off.

"Oh wow, this might just be the biggest house I've ever set foot into."


"Of course, I didn't say it out loud then, but when I saw Landon for the first time, the first thought that came to my mind was: Oh wow, this might be the most handsome man I've ever laid eyes on," Kate laughs.

"Hi, I'm Landon."

"Kate. Kate Tate."

"Kate Tate, eh? Alright, Miss Tate, would you care to tell me something about yourself?"

"Well, I'm a fashion designer from Willow Creek who has her own studio. During Saturdays, I use some of my profits to give assistance to a San Myshuno resident in need," Kate replied.

"Well, that's very admirable. Why San Myshuno in particular?"

"That's where I grew up, actually. I was the middle child of a big family. You know the stereotype of the overlooked middle child? I'm pretty much the embodiment of that." Kate chuckles heartily upon telling this.

"Oh, that's pretty cool. I'm a middle child too, with four brothers and sisters. I can't say I was overlooked, though. My parents were pretty busy with work, but they paid attention to all of us equally."

"Lucky you."

"Well, I hate to cut this short, but I still have seven other women to meet. You can get settled in the sleeping quarters upstairs, just in front of the staircase."

Kate proceeds to walk to the second floor.

Looks like our next lady's ready to meet Landon.

"I have to say, this place is very nice. I love what you guys did with it. And it doesn't hurt that Landon's pretty cute as well."

"Hello, Landon's the name."


Ariella giggles slightly upon shaking Landon's hand.

"Ariella? You wouldn't happen to be a mermaid from the sea, eh?"

"Oh, my hair's not really red enough for that. Yours is, though."

"You don't like redheads?"

"I actually think it looks great on you! I knew a lot of cute redheads back in school too."

Landon grins slightly. "So, Ariella, is there anything you'd like to tell me about yourself?"

"Well, I like to volunteer in my spare time. I just feel this need to aid others, and I'm sure the world can always use a helping hand."

"Wow, that's great. People like you keep the world turning. Do you have any interesting experiences to share?"

"Oh! Last summer I joined a beach cleanup. I was picking up some trash when I ended up tripping and destroying this sandcastle. Nobody was near, so I thought that maybe it had been abandoned. At least I hope so, or else I just ruined some kid's hard work."

Landon and Ariella laugh at her anecdote.

"Well, the other contestants are waiting. Why don't you get settled in the sleeping quarters for the meantime?"

Looks like our third contestant is strutting confidently into the house. Will she catch Landon's eye?

"Hello, there. My name's Landon."

"Hey! I'm Bootsie Leghorn."

"Bootsie Leghorn. It sounds like you're a Looney Tunes character."

"I know, right? I used to love watching those as a kid. It's crazy that my grandpa was still a boy when the first ones came out."

"I like your hat, by the way," Landon exclaims.

"Aww, thank you. It keeps me cool in this summer heat."

"So, Bootsie, what can you tell me about yourself?"

"Apart from liking this hat? I'm a gemologist."

"A gemologist, you say? Sounds fascinating. I used to love going around the forest as a kid looking for stuff. I may have found a few shiny rocks back then."

"We should definitely show each other our rock collections."

"Oh, sure. I've been to a lot of places, so there's a lot I can show you."

"Well, maybe you can show me a few other things sometime soon," Bootsie winks.

"We'll see about that, Miss Leghorn."

Our next contestant is a fascinating woman. You'll see what I mean.

"Hi there! I'm Landon."

"Hello! I'm Prithilla, but without an eth. My thtepfather and other people call me Pri, though."

"That's..err...P-R-I-C-I-L-L-A, then?"

"That'th correct!"

"I did win 2nd place in a spelling bee once, after all," Landon jokes.

"Care to tell me about yourself, Pri?"

"I'm a nurthing thtudent. And I'm thure you've noticed my lithp. I got thethe bratheth to help with my jaw, which altho cauthed thith to happen."

"Oh, I see. I hope your jaw's fine now."

"It ith, thank you."

"Well, I don't really have any experience in that area, thankfully, but my sister did get braces around ten years ago. Took her a while to adjust. By the way, you don't have any problems with certain food items, do you?"

"I thould be okay with anything that'th not thticky."

"Well, that's good to hear."

"You can take this time to get settled in, while I meet the other girls. I hope you enjoy yourself!"

"Oh, I will."

Looks like Landon won't be the sole fiery redhead this season.

"Hey, I'm Landon."

"Crystal Harper's the name."

"Crystal, eh? I hear you loud and clear. Care to tell me about yourself?"

"I'm studying medicine to become a doctor," Crystal responds.

"Oh, a doctor. I wasn't too keen on biology back in high school. I was more of a social studies and chemistry kind of guy. You must be quite smart."

"A tad. But I have to tell you, I'm getting of tired doing all this dissecting in my biology courses. A frog managed to escape one time."

Landon laughs at Crystal's story.

"Well, I did sometimes hear about that happening to some of the biology students in my college."

"Anyway, welcome to the show, Crystal. You can make your way to the bedroom and get settled in."

The next girl is a petite brunette with a hobby you wouldn't expect.

"Hey, there! I'm Linda Pierce!"

"Hello! My name's Landon."

"So, here's a piercing question: What can you tell me about yourself, Linda?"

"I work as a teacher, and since it's summer and I have some time off, I decided to join this show."

"A teacher eh? I hope you're nice to your kids. I had to go through a few cranks back in my day," Landon retorts.

"Oh, I definitely am."

"Well, you don't seem to be the terror teacher type, by the looks of it."

Linda starts laughing. "People tell me I don't seem like the type of person to enjoy metal as well, but I do. Of course, I don't really let the kids know that."

"I'm not much of a metal fan myself, but it's cool that you're into that. I've met quite a few metalheads. They're nice people."

"Oh, I'm glad it doesn't bother you."

"Anyway, the other girls are waiting for me. I hope you don't mind, Linda. You can settle in the sleeping quarters for the time being."

Looks like we got ourselves another blonde to round out this season's cast.

"Hello! My name's Landon."


"Well, hi Jeannie. I may have dreamed of you once."


"You know, I Dream of Jeannie?"

"Oh, right. Sorry, a bit slow," Jeannie laughs.

"So, you look like you carry yourself well."

"Oh, about that, I've trained myself to always move with poise. You see, I'm a fashion blogger, and I'm very passionate about what I do."

"You're passionate about fashion? I'm sure you'll get along great with Kate."

"I hope so. Wouldn't want to get on anyone's bad side here. Especially yours."

"So, Jeannie, what else can you tell me about yourself? Any interesting experiences?"

"I've been to an expo in Milan once."

"Milan? No way! I've always wanted to go there. It's in my list of places to visit."

"Yeah! It's very nice. The people, the sights. And the designs there were beautiful. Oh! I wish I had brought my photos. I've got to show them to you sometime."

"Alright. There's still one more person waiting for me. I'll get back to you later, but for now, you can get settled upstairs with the other girls."

"Well I hope your wish to visit Milan will be granted someday, Landon," Jeannie winks.

Our last contestant is another redhead, although this one's looking a bit glum.

She doesn't stay that way for long on meeting our bachelor, though.

"Oh man, this house is great! I would kill to have lived in a place like this when I was growing up."

"Hey there! I'm Landon."

"Rosetta Storm."

"Well, Rosetta, let me assure you that your days in this house will be nothing but sunshine and clear skies."

Rosetta smiles slightly.

"So, anything interesting to tell me about yourself?"

"How do I put this? Hmm..."

Rosetta is deep in thought for about a minute.

"I had been homeless just a few years back. It...was a dark time in my life. But a friend let me move in with her when I was 20. I'm still trying to pick up the pieces, but I'm in a better place right now."

"Oh. Wow, I'm so sorry about that."

"Nah, it's fine. I did gain an appreciation for the outdoors during that time. The sound of birds chirping. The smell of fresh air."

"Well, I can relate to that. I loved going outside when I was a kid. My family and I lived in the woods, so I got to see what nature had to offer."

"Oh, you're so lucky! I would've loved that."

"Tell you what: if things go well, maybe I can show you my childhood home when this is all done."

"Anyway, that's it for now. You can get settled in with the other girls upstairs. Make yourselves at home."

"I have to say, the producers really went all out with this house, huh?"

The girls then spend the next few hours getting their things ready, and getting to know each other.

After a while, they each decided on which bed they want to take.

In the meantime, let's check in on our bachelor. What is Landon up to?

It looks like grilled cheese is for dinner tonight.

The ladies decide to explore the house. Crystal seems to be enjoying herself with that TV we installed in the living room. Of course, we only offered a limited selection of channels. Wouldn't want the contestants getting a peek behind the scenes.

"Hey, what smells good?"

If Landon's plan was to draw the girls out, then it worked.

Looks like everyone is hungry after all that talking.

"Hey, Landon," Bootsie chirps.

"Oh, hey. Help yourself. I'm not much of a cook, but I did learn how to make grilled cheese back in college."

"I think it's delicious, Landon," Linda says.

Looks like Jeannie's moving in on Landon. Will she be able to get a word in with half a dozen conversations going about?

Meanwhile, these two ladies are minding their own business.

"Oh my God, an ice cream maker! I remember seeing this on TV!" Rosetta excitedly exclaims.

"I don't think Landon was able to make enough sandwiches for everyone. I'll just cook one up myself," Kate says to herself.

Rosetta comes to the dinner table with a bucket of ice cream.

"I made pistachio, everyone!"

"You really had to be in a cast for that long!?" Landon asks in disbelief.

"Yeah, I guess it was my fault for not being careful that time," Ariella responds.

"Oh, I got it! I predict that dark colors will be in this fall," Jeannie claims.

"Really? I don't see it right now. My bet's on pastels," Kate counters.

Pricilla mostly keeps to herself. She's still feeling shy around the other contestants.

Landon decides to do a little yoga after dinner. This man is really dedicated to keeping fit! It's crazy.

Pricilla follows along, basketball in hand.

"Hey Landon, wanna play?"

"Oh, no thanks, Pri. Little busy with yoga right now."

"Thuit yourthelf."

After a little yoga, Landon decides to retire to his private suite.

Likewise, the ladies decide to hit the hay in order to get ready for what the next day has in store.

At the crack of dawn, Landon wakes up for our little discussion.

"So, Landon, have you made your decision?"

"I thought about it for a while before going to bed. Yeah, I think I know whom to pick."


What's in store for Landon and the girls? Tune in next time to find out! I'm your host, Mac, and you are watching For Love or Money.


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