Day 7: Second Elimination

On today's episode of For Love or Money, another girl will be sent home by 3 PM. But instead of waiting to be approached, Landon decides to have a little chat with the women he's been missing.

"Oh, hey Landon! How was your trip?"

"I had a lot of fun. I did miss you, though."

"Aww, it felt lonely in here without you too. I heard you guys went to Granite Falls. Man, I would've loved to go there myself."

"Maybe someday—erm, that's not really what I came to talk about. Kate, do you mind if we went somewhere private to talk?" Landon asks.

"Not at all."

"Kate, did you know that Derrick told me you barely spoke to him at all the other day?"

"Yeah," Kate bashfully replies.

"What's the matter? Didn't you like him? He's a pretty great guy, but I can understand that he can be a bit intimidating."

"Oh, it's not that," Kate retorts. "It's just..."

Kate was at a loss for words.

"I was a bit upset we didn't get to see you that day," she continues. "And Derrick looks so much like you! From a certain distance, you guys could be twins!"

"Yeah, I have heard that before," Landon chuckles.

"And I don't know. I guess I was just a bit upset, and seeing Derrick would just remind me of you. I'd only feel bad that I wouldn't see that chiseled jaw of yours," Kate jokes as she tries to dispel the tension in the air.

"I guess I understand," Landon replies. "I really hope that the woman I do end up with on this show, well, if I do end up with one, will get along with Derrick. That's one of my non-negotiables."

"He does seem nice, although a bit rougher than you. Maybe in a different situation, I'd get along great with him," Kate says. A little bit of idle curiosity then comes over her, leading her to ask...

"What was he like, when you guys were growing up? Were you two already close then as you are now?"

Landon laughs a few seconds before answering. "We were pretty close then, but not as much as we are now. We fought sometimes just like any other pair of siblings. There was this one time, actually, when my parents gave me a car for my 16th birthday..."

"Wow," Kate mutters in awe. The thought of getting a car for a birthday gift sounds unbelievable to her.

"...But they made me share it with Derrick. Idiot that he was, he ended up getting a small dent on it just a few months after. I didn't speak to him for two weeks. Oh, and I also beat him up for it."

Kate listens to Landon talking about his high school years for a while before he moves on to his next victim.

"Enjoying the water?"

"Sure am," Rosetta answers.

"Mind if I join you? I'll just get my swim trunks."

"Sounds good to me."

"I take it you enjoy swimming a lot?" Landon asks.

"Oh yeah. Back when I was young, we'd go to the beach and I'd just be in the water all day. Those were good times," Rosetta remarks.

"I think you and Bootsie would get along fine. Do you still go to the beach these days?"

"Honestly, I haven't been to the beach since I was a kid."

"How come?"

"The matrons at the orphanage never really took us anywhere. Not enough money, and they were definitely busy keeping things running and taking in new kids."

"Wait, you grew up in an orphanage?"

Rosetta swims to the edge of the pool to sit beside Landon.

"Yeah, my parents died in an accident when I was very young," she answers.

"That's terrible!" Landon remarks.

"It was," Rosetta affirms. "It took me years to get over it, but I'm in a better place now. I just wish it hadn't rained so hard that night we were out..."

Rosetta stares into the water and moves her legs around. It all starts making more sense to Landon right now. Why Rosetta tends to be gloomy at times. She's had a rough life growing up.

"Anyway, you're right. Things are looking much better for you now, aren't they?" Landon says as he breaks the silence between them.

"Yeah, that's true. And being part of this show is a sign that things are looking up for me. I just feel that joining For Love or Money is a good chance for me to turn my life around. I just love it here."

"Me too. It's been like a dream vacation this past week."

Landon and Rosetta continue talking for a while before he excuses himself to get dressed.

As Landon walks out of his room, he spots Bootsie admiring the knight armor in the second floor landing.

"It's pretty shiny, right?" Landon asks.

"Oh, Landon," Bootsie utters, a bit startled. "Yeah, it is. I was looking at it closely, and it seems to be a modern replica of Medieval England knight armor. These replicas look like they're made of stainless steel."

"Yeah, that's correct. You know, I've seen the real deal before on my travels."

"Really? I'm so jealous."

"Do you want to go outside and talk about it?"

"Oh, sure."

"So on one trip, we were able to set aside enough time to visit the nearby castle. The other guys and I thought that since we were already there, it would be a waste not to."

"That sounds so fascinating. Is it true that the place is haunted?"

"I don't think it was, but one of my colleagues claimed he had heard a few eerie noises in one of the wings."

"You don't believe him?" Bootsie asks.

"Eh, he could just be saying that to scare us all. I wouldn't put it past him."

"By the way, Landon, Derrick told me you might want to hear about this thing I told him."

"What thing?"

"I took this class on French cuisine once. Have I mentioned that? Well, anyway, I had this pet frog named Pedro..."

"French frog...NO. You didn't!" Landon says in shock as he pieces it all together.

"I'm sorry," Bootsie laughs. "I just couldn't help myself. I needed to practice."

"But didn't you feel bad about Pedro?"

"Eh, I wasn't that attached to him anyway."

Once again, the time has arrived. Landon fixes himself up as he readies himself for another elimination.

"I'm very sorry, but I have to..."

"Alright, everyone. Once again, we're here to hold another elimination. You know the drill. Step forward when Landon calls your name to receive your rose. Whoever doesn't receive one packs her bags and leaves the premises. Let's start."

Landon looks across the room at each woman, amazed at how splendid they looked for the ceremony.












"I felt like I got to know you a lot better with the time we spent yesterday. And Derrick really likes you too. Will you accept this and continue your journey in this show?"

"I will!"


"You look lovely in that black dress. As lovely as the time we spent talking on the cabin's back porch. Will you take this rose?"

"Of course, Landon."


"I think you're a lovely and talented woman. Our chat by the fireside showed me another side of you, and I really appreciate what I've learned. Will you take this rose?"

"I will take it."


"They say distance makes the heart grow fonder, and our time apart made me long for you. Do you accept this rose?"

"Yes, I do."


"Any guy would be crazy to back off just because of your tastes. Maybe they're too blind to see the wonderful woman in front of them. But I'm not. Will you accept this?"

"Definitely, Landon."

"Rosetta. Bootsie. After today, one of you will be leaving this show. I've enjoyed the time we spent together, but I'm afraid I'll have to let one of you go."


"Our little French chef. I don't suppose you can make something out of this rose?"

"I'll try to think of something, Landon. Thanks."

"Rosetta, you know what this means. Here's the check for your cash prize on this show. Please put it in the fire and pack your belongings."

As Rosetta feeds the slip of paper to the fire, the flames reveal what the invisible ink once concealed: an amount of 25,000 simoleons.

"Landon, I don't understand. I thought you said we had this connection? Were you just lying to me?"

"Oh, no, Rosetta. I didn't. I really did feel it."

"Then why do I have to go?"

"It's just that I've been thinking about it these past few days, and I figured that we might be better off as friends. Maybe that's the kind of connection we have. I hope you understand."

Rosetta looks a bit forlorn, but she soon steps in to give Landon a hug.

"Of course, I do. I just...I didn't think it would end like this."

"I didn't too. But I really did a lot of thinking. It wasn't easy."

"I'm so devastated I have to leave this house. I've had such a great time this past week. I really thought this was my chance to get my life together. But I guess Landon thought differently."

"I guess now that it's back to reality for me, I can't just sit back anymore. I'll get it all together. And when I do, I hope I can find someone I can really be happy with."


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