Day 10: Third Elimination

Today, the girls are up early. Maybe they couldn't sleep soundly, since another one of them has to leave this house by the end of the day. But which one will it be?

"I'll be going out for a swim, you guys. Elimination days always get me stressed out," Crystal says.

"I really hope it's not me this time," Ariella worries. "I'm really jealous of Kate right now, because it looks like she has nothing to be scared of today."

"Yeah, lucky for her, that little face hugger," Pricilla mutters.

"Sorry, what was that?" Ariella asks.


Crystal looks like she's enjoying herself in the cool waters of the pool. Nothing like a quick dip in this summer heat.

"How's it going, Linda?" Ariella inquires.

"Honestly? I'm a wreck right now. I don't know Landon's intentions with me. What if he's just keeping some of us around for our money?" Linda replies.

"Hey, what's up?" Kate asks.

"Oh, just worrying about today's elimination as always," Linda says. "I guess you can relax this time, right?"

"Well, there's no telling what will happen. Landon might surprise us and send me home today. I hope not, though."

"Yeah, as if, girl. Have you seen the way he looks at you?" Ariella says. "I hope he won't just call the show off at once. I'd like to have a turn as well."

"I guess we all do," Kate plainly states.

First thing in the morning, and our bachelor heads back to the punching bag. No wonder this guy is so ripped!

"Has anyone seen Landon, by the way?" Bootsie asks.

"I think he's in the home gym," Ariella guesses.

"Not a lot of us go there, come to think of it. I've seen Pri there maybe once," Linda remarks.

Landon steps out of the gym and goes to where the girls are.

"Morning, ladies. Hey there," Landon says.

"Hey you," Katie greets back as she slides her hand across Landon's face.

The other girls look away as the two have their own moment.

"I'll just see what's going on with the other girls. See you all later," Landon winks as he goes to the back porch.

"Hey, Kate?" Bootsie says as she approaches her friend.


"I just wanted to say that I've come to think of you as a friend throughout our time here. Thanks for that. And I want to say goodbye, in case I have to leave this house today. I had a lot of fun."

"Don't be ridiculous, Bootsie," Kate says after receiving a hug. "It's too early for any of us to say goodbye. I mean, yeah it's too bad that we're all competing and that today's an elimination day, but don't think about these things. Just enjoy the rest of the day."

"I guess you're right."

"Lots of activity going on right now..."

"Nice shot, Linda!"

"Thanks! I've been trying to improve since we lost that basketball challenge."

"It really shows."

"Hey, Ariella. You're looking a bit down," Landon says.

"Oh, you know how it is. The fear of possibly leaving this house hanging all over us. Not exactly a bright spot in our day,"

"Come to think of it, the elimination is in about half an hour. I guess we should all get dressed."

"Landon," Ariella calls out as he begins to climb the stairs. "Am I gonna be the one to leave today?"

Landon pauses before turning to Ariella.

"I can't tell you right now. I'm sorry. Maybe it's best we get this over with."

Landon begins climbing the stairs and gets himself ready and dressed up.

"Oh my God!" Bootsie exclaims. "This tension is killing me! Please don't let me be the one to leave today."

"Well, at least one of us doesn't have to worry about anything today. Too bad we can't all be that person," Pricilla remarks as she glares at Kate.

Kate, in turn, just shoots a confused look back at Pricilla.

Looks like that moment has arrived once more. Everyone's dressed to the nines for what could possibly be their last day in this house. Let's get right to it.

"Ladies. Welcome to our third elimination ceremony. As before, the girl who doesn't receive a rose must burn her check, pack her bags, and leave. So without further ado..."












"What can I say? I had a wonderful time with you. I think it's my turn again to give you this."

"I'll gladly take it, Landon."


"Looks like you're #2 again today. And this rose isn't pink, but it does match your clothes. Will you take it?"

"I don't mind at all, Landon. And yes, I will."


"My braced beauty. I think that lisp of yours is gone. I hope this rose is still good enough for you after that."

"Thank you! My jaw surely does feel better. And yes, a rose from you will always be good enough for me."


"The woman of wanderlust. Will you take this?"

"Of course I will!"

"Crystal. Linda. I feel like I've gotten to know you both a lot this past week. If I had my way, we wouldn't be doing this, but we have to. I'm sorry to do this, but if I had to choose who gets to stay..."


"Will you accept the final rose for this round?"

"Landon! You sure scared me again! I don't think I'll ever get used to receiving the last rose. And yes, I do accept it."

"You know what this means, Crystal. Please take your check, and prepare to exit the premises."

The glow of the fireplace reveals the invisible ink stating that Crystal had a prize amounting to 100,000 simoleons.

"I'm sorry, Crystal. If it makes you feel any better, I had a hard time deciding this one. I hope we can still be friends."

"Of course, Landon! I wish you luck on this show, and to the rest of the ladies in the running. May you find what you're looking for."

"They say time heals all wounds. Well, I don't know how much time I'm going to need for this one. I know I'm studying how to cure maladies, but this is one that I have no answer to. I feel like I've gotten so much closer to Landon in just a week, but I guess I wasn't close enough. Maybe it's time for me to head back to the real world and find my own happiness."


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