Day 9: Garden of Healing

Today, Landon takes Kate to a very special place.

"Well, here we are..."

"...The Lost Gardens of Healing."

"Healing?" Kate asks.

"They say people who go here find some form of catharsis or emotional healing. I don't know. I just thought you'd like it, since you do like going to the park and all. You do, right?"

"Of course, I do," Kate reassures Landon. "And since we're here, I think it's my turn to give you this."

"A rose?" Landon laughs. "That's a very kind gesture. I take this to mean that you choose me too."

Landon takes the rose and smells the bud. Its sweet fragrance wafts into his lungs as the memories of pleasant days whirl past in his head.

"How about we take a seat over there?" Landon asks.




"There's...something I have to tell you."

"You're not secretly a reptilian in disguise, are you?" Landon jokes.

"Well, if I were, I'd never tell you," Kate teasingly retorts. "On a serious note, it's about what I told you last time."

"Last time...was this at the park?"


"Remember when I said that San Myshuno was tainted by bad memories for me?" Kate continues. "I didn't want to talk about it then, because it still hurts me to this day."

Landon nods along and listens intently to what Kate has to say.

"But Landon, there's something about you that makes me feel, like, well. I think you deserve to know. I don't care if cameras are filming us right now; I feel like I need to get this out of the way. When I was a kid, we didn't exactly grow up in a good neighborhood. My parents tried their best to keep us away from crime, but my oldest brother joined a gang anyway and got killed."

"That's...terrible. I'm sorry, Kate."

"You don't have to be sorry. Anyway, my second oldest brother followed in his footsteps. He ended up with the same fate. Gang rivalries were pretty bad in the 90's, and Jeremy was killed in a drive-by shooting. I told him not to do it after what happened, but stupid as he was..."

Kate looks down into her lap, trying to fight back tears. Landon moves his hand closer to Kate's, letting her know that he's there for her.

"It's okay, Kate. And thank you for trusting me. I can see why you're so passionate about helping the people of San Myshuno. You didn't want them to suffer the same things you did."

Kate looks at Landon with a faint smile on her lips. Somehow, she starts to feel better, even as the pain of past wounds is seeping to the surface.

"And since we're talking about past experiences," Landon says. "I...might as well come clean with something."

Kate looks at Landon in mild surprise. She never would've guessed that he had some baggage as well.

"The reason I'm on this show was because Derrick convinced me to do it. He said it would be good for me, since I hadn't dated throughout college. The last time I had a girlfriend was when I was in high school. Her name was Bethany."

"What happened between you two?" Kate asks.

"I really loved Bethany so much. I experienced many first times with her. We went swimming in the lake one night. We had a few of my dad's beers, so we were a little tipsy. One minute we were having fun, but soon I couldn't find her. It was too dark for me to see, so I called for help. We...never did find her body."

"...Oh my God, Landon. I...I don't know what to say."

"I still feel a bit guilty about it to this day. I know Derrick and dad keep saying I shouldn't, but I can't help but feel that way."


Landon and Kate spend a quiet moment together, basking in each other's comfort as they hold hands. After a while, Kate decides to break the silence.

"Hey, don't forget that this is still a date!" Kate teases. "Here, catch this."

"I think I missed that one," Landon says. "Let me see if it's hiding around here..."

Landon wraps his arm around Kate's back.

Folks, we have no idea what they were saying here. It was too soft to be caught by the lapel mics. But whatever Landon said, Kate must've liked it!

"You're looking a little sore there. People have said I have healing hands, you know."

"A wishing well!" Kate points out.

"Hold on, let me get something," Landon says as he goes through his pockets.

"There we go!"

"What did you wish for?" Kate asks.

"Well, that'll be another secret I have to keep. Or else it might not come true."

"I've tried wishing in park fountains before. What I learned was that I had to work to get what I wanted instead of leaving it all to chance."

"You know what," Landon says. "You're right, Kate. I should be the one making my wishes come true. And I think I'll start with this one."

With this, Landon leans into Kate, and...


Damn. Landon is one smooth fellow.

"Do you know why he looks like that?" Kate asks.

"Maybe he's mad that the bus is late again," Landon jokes.

"Thank you so much, Kate..."

"...I had such a great time. And I feel like I'll regret this if I don't do it now, so..."

Look at that, folks. This is pushing the boundaries of our TV rating!

Kate was left speechless for a few seconds. When she regains her faculties, she manages to get in a few words.

"Oh...I...*pant*...feel the same. Thank you."

"I think that might be one of the best dates I've ever been on. No, scratch that: it is the best date I've ever been on. I can still remember that kiss. That was a really bold move."

"Hey, girl!" Crystal greets Kate. "So, how was it? Anything juicy?"

"I'm not really one to kiss and tell," begins Kate. "But I can assure you that we grew a lot closer after that date."

"You've got to tell me! Hold on, let's get some drinks and talk about it!"

"What do you think he's like on a date?" Ariella asks. "Is he romantic? A perfect gentleman?"

"I hope he's a great conversationalist," Bootsie says. "From what I've experienced so far, he does seem like it. Landon can talk about a lot of things. I'd love to spend hours on a date just talking about interesting stuff."

"...So they spent a quiet moment sitting by the fountain. Kate said Landon whispered a few things to her ear," Crystal recounts.

"What did he say?" Linda asks.

"I don't know. Kate didn't want to tell me."

"Ooh, saucy," Bootsie comments.

Landon decides to work out a little in the middle of the afternoon. Looks like all that steaminess built up some energy in him! None of the girls decided to bother him as he takes on the punching bag.

"Was he romantic?" Ariella asks.

Kate chews and downs her hotdog. "Oh, definitely. I still feel tingly all over my body."

Ariella squeals in glee as Kate tells her about the date.

"And then?" Pricilla asks.

"We went over to the wishing well. He tossed some money in there and made a wish."

"Did he tell you what he wished for?"

"He wouldn't say, but I have a good feeling it came true for him," Kate remarks with a wink.

All that exercising got Landon hungry. Looks like it's healthy eating for today.

"What's up, beautiful?" Landon greets Kate.

"Oh, you. I never took you for a smooth talker, you know."

"Dost thou prefer that I refer to thee in this manner, milady?" Landon jokingly asks with an affected British accent done horridly.

Kate chuckles at all this corniness. She thinks it's kind of cute.

"What else?" Bootsie asks.

"We looked at this sculpture in the middle of the room. It was in a classical Greek style, but it just looks like the guy was sitting there irked about something."

"Well, I'd be annoyed too if I had to live before modern plumbing existed."

After a long day, Landon decides to make the most out of the stocks the production crew provided and pours one out before heading to bed. I hope he doesn't make a habit out of it.

Everyone's getting ready for bed. A sense of dread permeates the house, because another dreaded day has come: the third elimination.


Has Kate truly captured the heart of our bachelor? What will become of the other five girls in the elimination? Tune in next episode to find out! I'm your host, Mac, and you are watching For Love or Money.


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