Day 10: Third Elimination

Today, the girls are up early. Maybe they couldn't sleep soundly, since another one of them has to leave this house by the end of the day. But which one will it be? "I'll be going out for a swim, you guys. Elimination days always get me stressed out," Crystal says. "I really hope it's not me this time," Ariella worries. "I'm really jealous of Kate right now, because it looks like she has nothing to be scared of today." "Yeah, lucky for her, that little face hugger ," Pricilla mutters. "Sorry, what was that?" Ariella asks. "Nothing." Crystal looks like she's enjoying herself in the cool waters of the pool. Nothing like a quick dip in this summer heat. "How's it going, Linda?" Ariella inquires. "Honestly? I'm a wreck right now. I don't know Landon's intentions with me. What if he's just keeping some of us around for our money?" Linda rep...